What does a branding agency do?


The main purpose of branding activities, as one of the elements of marketing, is to form in the eyes of the buyer a clear, memorable image of the company or its product, which can not be confused with anything else. For example, when mentioning the name of Coca-Cola, millions of people around the world subconsciously imagine a red background with white caps, when mentioning the brand Escada, women immediately see before their eyes the usual and backward letters “E” merged with each other, and when mentioning any company Wella, the subconscious carefully “draws” a stylized female profile with loose hair.

These are examples of successful work, which the branding agency at up-brands.ru can be proud of, having carried out the preliminary work and released a competitive product to the market. But to the uninitiated, it may seem that the development of the logo, symbols, colors – it is an extremely easy task, with which even a child can cope. But let’s see if it’s really that easy.

So, having received the order, the specialists of the branding agency start to study the market with regard to the positioning of the product on it, creating its own name (brand name), developing an advertising slogan, packaging, a jingle (musical accompaniment). But most importantly, they are looking for identification and communication media, which can broadcast and display the conceptual idea of the brand.

The result of the company’s work should be a unique brand, corresponding to the standards and norms, reflecting the essence of the company, taking into account the interests of the market. The proposed logo should be interesting, relevant “fresh”, so the branding agency will need to prepare a package of documents, designed to officially assign the brand to the company. In the case where exactly the same or similar logo already exists on the market, the agency will have to work with him further, as long as the uniqueness of the logo will not reach 100%.

As you can see, in fact, the work of a branding agency is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It requires not only a creative approach from each employee, but also deep knowledge in the field of marketing, a good understanding of the market, knowledge of its laws and rules. And do not think that the name does not have any importance in the activities of the company, on the contrary, a catchy name and a beautiful slogan are of secondary importance – until the company proves its right to exist with the quality of products, it will be evaluated by name, because we meet by the clothes.